Your home’s roof needs to perform through all four seasons and look good doing it.
Contact us today and Request a Free Estimate for a New Cedar Shake Roof!
B&W Group is Fairfield’s Cedar Roofing Installation Company.
A bold statement, sure it is. We have the experience, unwavering commitment to perfection, and a long list of happy customers to back that up.
We provide Cedar Roofing Repair for Residential and Commercial Customers throughout Fairfield County and right here in Greenwich.
Our cedar roofing repair services will help mitigate damage then we will make a plan to prevent future issues. Any roofing leak should be addressed as soon as it is found!
We provide professional cedar roofing inspection services, both on-demand and on annual schedules.
During a cedar roof inspection, we are looking to determine wood health, find weak spots, missing shingles, curling shingles, cracked shingles, and of course, we check for mold and vermin infiltration. Discoloration, dampness and rust can all be early signs of a problem. Then we look inside! All roofing issues are best when addressed early and properly.
Cedar is an incredibly durable roofing material, and this has made cedar a popular construction material for centuries. In British Columbia, tools dating as far back as 5,000-years made from red cedar have been found. The Temple of Solomon, also known as the First Temple, was built from the “Cedars of Lebanon”.
Here in the states, cedar and wood roof coverings were the only type of roof used until very recent history.
Today, many historic homes still opt for cedar shakes for their authenticity, look, unrivaled beauty, and unmatched durability.
Cedar shake roofing beats traditional asphalt roofing hands down:
Cedar roofing offers excellent insulation – Cedar shingles retain heat in the winter and reflect heat in the summer. Cedar offers fantastic sound suppression and sound deadening qualities.
Longevity – a well-maintained cedar roof here in Fairfield could last 50 years or more.
Best of all Cedar shake roofs are Environmentally friendly!
Here in Fairfield County, CT, we see all four seasons, blazing sunlight in summer, freezing temperatures in winter, punctuated by moderate seasons that just keep getting shorter in between.
Roofing leaks need to be fixed as soon as they are found. We specialize in roofing services to prevent and repair roof leaks quickly and affordably.
As a professional roofing company, we know how to find and fix roof leaks of all sizes and types. We know all the tricks that water can play. If you think you have a roof leak it is much better to be safe and have a professional inspection completed.
We are just a phone call away – (203) 461-1843
The handsome, rugged look of an all-natural cedar shake roof stands out in a neighborhood. Cedar roofs complement a home in a unique way; no other roofing style can match it.
There are several choices within the cedar roofing shingle market. My cedar roofing team and I can help educate you on cedar siding thicknesses and finishes, such as Perfection Tapersawn and Hand split cedar roofing shingles; here is a quick overview.
It is easy to understand the different cedar roofing types when you think about a tree’s growth rings.
“Edge grain shakes”- are cut or split perpendicular to the rings, while flat grain shakes are cut or split at less than a 45-degree angle to the rings.
Cedar shingles, – which are sawn from large solid woodblocks, are available in two main types: sawn, sanded, and taper sawn.
Sawn Cedar Roof Shingles are made to look like cedar shakes but are more tailored in appearance.
Sanded Cedar Roof Shingles, is smoother on both sides, smooth being a relative term, they are softer than traditional cedar shingles and are preferred by homeowners looking for a more modern and refined appearance for their roof.
Tapersawn Cedar Roof Shingles, are a hybrid of sawn shingles and hand-split shakes. Like a shingle, both faces are sawn, as are the edges, giving the taper-sawn shake a uniform appearance. Thicker than shingles, taper-sawn shakes have a more massive shadow line on the roof.
B&W Roofing is a long-time member of both the Better Business Bureau and the GAF Roofing Alliance. Our integrity, know-how, and commitment to customer service set us apart from other Fairfield County Roofing Companies.
Contact us today, you will see the difference in how we do business
from our first point of contact.